What is this locked big chest in the middle of The Ice Palace?

Welcome to A Day Out!

This special world contains six very hard levels. These levels were simple yet extremely hard to be in The Ice Palace, so we gathered them to make a new world. Dare solve it?

In the first level “Easy Mode”, boxes keep block the narrow hole next to the start position. It’s very annoying.

Down + Jump = Fall off from a box.

You don’t have to know this, but it will make your life much easier.

This level is too hard, I need a hint.

Alright, we can give you hints.

Sometimes, to halt the game and start logical deduction helps. But if you still think it’s too hard, feel free to contact us or start a thread in the Steam discussion. Also, please feel free to share your hints and solutions! We don’t mind it as long as you take care of the spoilers.

This level is logically impossible and I can prove it!

You missed something.

Believe me, all gems are collectible. Have you got the diamond in The Void — Escalate? How about the ruby in The Last Tapestry — Flight? Didn't you think these levels were also impossible? Same goes here.

Or maybe it’s the case which you missed some unusual control tricks, just like some key moves in some levels. Do you remember yourself solving The Void — Clutch?

We have found some other original tricks. Some levels are completely built on it, which may seem to be logically impossible to solve until you get the trick. You could solve it when you catch the trick.

I hate jars.


Working as intended.

Bug! Strange behavior!

It doesn’t change anything.

Oobleck in aqua mortua: Wow, you are pretty quick-witted. You reached Low Tide, right? It’s actually a hidden feature that Portponky made. It doesn’t change anything though, we didn’t want to actively use it.

Submerged ledge: Portponky was too lazy to make properly working submerged ledge, so they are actually translucent solid blocks. Fear not! We designed levels very carefully to make sure it doesn’t change anything.

There were several other non-intuitive behaviors (such as making the second paradox by entering a cauldron, instead of leaving a room) which are really hard to understand, but no puzzle exploits them, so relax.

Is there any hint for the locations of diamonds/rubies, or at least the number of them?


For The Ice Palace — yes, two rooms contain hints. One room shows the total number of each of the gems. The other room shows the exact locations of them. Navigate rooms carefully.

For A Day Out — no. We believe you already realized how to distinguish whether a level contains bonus gems or not by now.

Are you going to translate the mission names?


We can’t do all the translations job — we know you can read English, ’cuz this sentence is written in English.

Will this DLC be updated?

Maybe, maybe not.

It might be updated if more great custom levels are made or we desperately have to remove some unexpected alternative solutions. We will inform you about the update by email if you subscribe us. Currently we have a future plan about releasing the “Honorable Mentions” level pack, which contains some interesting levels we decided not to include in The Ice Palace.

How can I remove this DLC?

How sad! You don’t.

Just kidding. If you installed the DLC manually, you can try to undo it. If anything goes wrong, or you have installed the DLC using the installation script, then you can remove the contents in the Recursed game directory and reinstall the game on the Steam client.

Beware that all the custom levels will get removed when you do this, so make sure to back up the custom folder if you have played any custom levels before. About the custom folder